Wednesday 19 July 2017

God's light will put you ahead in life.

In the beginning, God said "Light be" and there was LIGHT on the FIRST day of creation. But the sun, moon, stars and other natural heavenly bodies were created on day FOUR of creation. [Genesis 1]

There's supernaural light, insight, wisdom and knowledge that supercedes natural light. If u always wait until u can see evidence with your natural eyes, you will be late, you will lag behind and be slow in life .

God is Light and the Spirit of God in you will lead you into things before they become obvious and apparent to everyone. Listen to Him. He will show you things to come before they happenn; to warn you and to bless you. Through thoughts, unctions, ideas, dreams, visions, prophecy, and many other avenues .
Spend time with Him and follow His leading in 2017 and you will thrive. But remember, His leading will never conradict His Word. Check everything against scripture first and then, take action.


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