Tuesday, 25 July 2017

Jesus was the perfect prophet. If he had a revelation of what was to come, you could count on it to happen. He saw what the enemy had planned for Peter. He saw Peter sifted like wheat. Broken, thrashed, shredded and plummeted. But he PRAYED for Peter and turned it all around.

Luke 22:31 -33 And the Lord said, "Simon, Simon! Indeed, Satan has asked for you, that he may sift you as wheat. "But I have prayed for you, that your faith should not fail; and when you have returned to Me, strengthen your brethren."

When God shows you impending trouble, pray! Prayer changes things. Just like it aborted the enemy's plans for Peter, prayer will abort the enemy's plans for you and your loved ones. Prayer will abort the enemy's plans for Kenya. Don't let anyone discourage you from praying. Rise up and PRAY!

A number of prophecies have come forth about impending chaos in Kenya after the elections. Some from credible sources. Even the observers group predicted the same. What must we do?.....PRAY.

Pray for mercy. Repent for all the wrongs that we have done and tolerated as a people. Make no excuses. Repent for where we have disobeyed God and mocked His Name and His Word. Remind God of His Word that He would heal our land if we humble ourselves and pray and turn from our wicked way. Pray for God to avert trouble and judgement. Pray for fair elections. Pray against rigging and contention/ Pray against every plan of chaos and disruption. Pray against blood shed and murder. Pray against the burning of homes and blocking of roads. Pray against terror and closure of services. PRAY!!

Then turn from your wicked way. What are you doing that you know isn't pleasing to God? Stop it. Don't sabotage your own prayers. Don't join in negative tirades and tribal hatred. There's no two ways about it, we must turn from it all if we want God to answer our prayers. You cannot sincerely be interceding for the nation and a bigot against other people as well. You cannot be on your knees crying to God and living in sin. You have to choose one. You must be desperate enough for God's mercy, to turn your life around and away from sins that you have enjoyed and tolerate.

I want Kenya to be blessed. I want elections to be fair and excellent. I want chaos to be averted. I want all people to be safe wherever they are. I want life and prosperity in the land to go on. So i'm judging myself, making no excuses, repenting for my nation and praying for God's mercy. Please join me and let's intercede for the nation. Prayer turn things around...... PRAY!

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