give your husband a break. Stop judging them, criticizing them,
constantly battering them with your words and crushing their egos. Stop
trying to make them like you, they will never be like you. They were
made from DIRT!
They are not innately suave, delicate and
dainty. They do grubby things. Let them be! Many times, what you may be
constantly complaining about is not illegal, unethical, immoral or even destructive.
Men, be nice to your wives. They were NOT made from dirt. They are
innately delicate, refined, suave and sensitive. Stop treating them
rough. Stop trying to make them like you. When you see them rough and
rugged, it is often a defense mechanism created to protect their
innermost being from past hurt. Treat them right and you will make them
very happy and have a great marriage.
Paraphrased from P.J. Daniels
Sometimes the wisest cause of action is to RUN!!
Joseph did not enter into a discourse about "The dangers of extramarital affairs" with Photiphar's wife, he ran.
When the angel told Joseph [Jesus' father] that Herod was after the
child, he didn't tell him to read "How to win friends and influence
people" He told him to run!
When the Jews wanted to kill Paul, He did not try to win their favor by reciting the law, He ran!
On a number of occasions, when they wanted to kill Jesus, He "hid Himself and went His way" John 8:59
Some of you need to get out of the environment of those who are
consistently tempting you, pressuring to do wrong or just plain trying
to sabotage and destroy you. As you pray, as you regroup, as you get
counsel, I decree that you know when it's time to go your way and save
your life!
Sometimes the greatest faith is demonstrated through leaving!
It is a tragedy to spend so much [time, emotions, money, lyrics, romance] on the WRONG PERSON! It's heart breaking.
Be "stingy" with these heart investments until you are very sure about
the person you are interested in. Let them qualify. And pliz don't spend
your body on them if you are not married. It will hurt like nothing you
can imagine, when you realize that they are wrong for you. God created that rule, to protect you!
You wouldn't entrust your money and your valuables to a stranger whom
you have "good feelings" about, please don't expose your life and body
to a person because of emotions. Be diligent in discernment.
dinner tonight, there was a trio guitarist troupe playing music. They
began playing MALAIKA and I thought; Great song but has a defeatist,
poverty & victim mentality. So here's Malaika for the visionary
winner that's full of faith.
Malaika, nitakuoa malaika
Malaika, nitakuoa malaika
Najua nitafanyaje kijana mwenzio
Sishindwi na mali wala we
Nitakuoa malaika!
Guys, a few things are more attractive than a confident [not arrogant],
faith filled man who believes that there is a way is willing to pay the
price to make it.

One revelation that completely changed my life many years ago, was the realization that CHRISTMAS IS NOT MY BIRTHDAY!
I got over the hang-ups of stressing about who will buy ME a gift, who
will invite ME for a party, who will send ME a card, what will WE cook,
How will I make MY hair, what will WE wear...
It is a proven
fact that most suicides and depressions peak at Christmas time. People
get very introspective, lonely and self focused in a way that can be
very detrimental at this time. The financial pressure is extreme for
many and broken family relationships are also highlighted as everyone
else seems to go home to be with their families. Be wise and remove the
rampant selfishness from your Christmas celebrations. Also, don't allow
yourself to be wooed and trapped into the mindless spending that gets
many regretting and seriously struggling through the month of January.
Use this time instead to love others. You be the one giving and
reaching out. Spend time with those you love. Really listen to them and
be an encouragement. Don't just focus on food and stuff. This way, you
will not be lonely or stressed because your focus is on being a
blessing. In fact if you know Bible History very well, you probably know
that it's not even Christ's accurate birthday. A lot of the hullabaloo
is simply commercial. Turn it around and maximize being there and
ministering the love of God to your family and friends.
The end of a matter is better than the beginning. - Ecclesiastes 7:8
May this final month of the year be better than the rest that you have
had. Instead of resigning and simply looking forward to another year,
keep expecting good things and answers to prayer, to manifest within
this year. It's not over, till it's over. May every blessing, every open
door, every opportunity, every divine connection, every harvest, every
advantage and every progress that you were to experience this year
manifest NOW in Jesus' name.
May God crown your year with His goodness and cause your paths to drip with abundance - Ps 65:11