Joseph did not enter into a discourse about "The dangers of extramarital affairs" with Photiphar's wife, he ran.
When the angel told Joseph [Jesus' father] that Herod was after the child, he didn't tell him to read "How to win friends and influence people" He told him to run!
When the Jews wanted to kill Paul, He did not try to win their favor by reciting the law, He ran!
On a number of occasions, when they wanted to kill Jesus, He "hid Himself and went His way" John 8:59
Some of you need to get out of the environment of those who are consistently tempting you, pressuring to do wrong or just plain trying to sabotage and destroy you. As you pray, as you regroup, as you get counsel, I decree that you know when it's time to go your way and save your life!
Sometimes the greatest faith is demonstrated through leaving!
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