Thursday, 20 July 2017

What will you compromise for a relationship?

Abraham really wanted a good wife for his son Isaac and as was the custom of the day, it was his responsibility to get him one. As he sent Eliezer to go and get her, he made him promise 2 things: that he would get a wife from among God's people and that he would never make Isaac go back to his people even if the woman refused to leave her homeland.
In principle, Abraham was saying, even though a wife is extremely important, do not compromise the Word of God to get her. He was not willing to violate God's command to get this wife for his son. He had her sought from among God's people, even if it meant traveling far and he had the vow made that his son would never be returned to the very place that God had told him to leave... not even for a wife.

If more people had this resolve concerning relationships and marriage, there would be more successful marriages in our day. Compromise nothing to get a spouse. Don't lie, don't cheat, don't have sex before marriage, don't lose your faith... don't build your relationship and marriage on the foundation of compromise. Mark my words, if you do it will come back to bite you and to hound you. Sometimes, for the rest of your marriage. It's not worth it. We have seen it over and over. It may even be happy for a moment but believe you me, trouble is coming.

You are well able to trust and obey God and get married well. Don't let desperation and pressure drive you to disobey God's Word to get any relationship. Don't put the need for a relationship above God. Do this and see how much God will bless you.

Ge 24:3 ....and I will make you swear by the LORD, the God of heaven and the God of the earth, that you will not take a wife for my son from the daughters of the Canaanites, among whom I dwell....8 "And if the woman is not willing to follow you, then you will be released from this oath; only do not take my son back there."

Barikiweni. Have a blessed week.

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You are not doomed to repeat your father's mistakes

Your fathers, including Terah, the father of Abraham,...served other gods. -
Joshua 24:2

If my hubby and I told you about our daddy issues, both spiritual and natural, we could tell you stories for miles. Fathers are not perfect and sometimes they make wrong, deeply hurtful mistakes that affect children's lives for years or even forever.

Abraham's father worshipped demons (other gods), yet Abraham rose to build such relationship and faith in God that he became the father of faith.

You do not have to repeat your father's mistakes. You can rise beyond your father's failures. Some of the best fathers I know today had really bad fathering (if any) from their own dads. You don't have to live and die poor like your dad, you dont have to get rich through corruption like your dad. You don't have to be unfaithful to your wife like your dad (Again, some of the best husbands I know had fathers who were terrible husbands themselves). You are not doomed to batter your wife like your dad. You dont even have to be overweight or sickly and die prematurely like your dad. You don't have to have a struggling, or succesful but crooked ministry like your spiritual dad.

If you have received Christ, God is now your Father. You have His DNA. You can overcome every obstacle and disadvantage passed down to you by your human fathers. You can rise to be everything that they were not and yet still honour and love them. Arise and shine, your light has come, you are not doomed to emulate your fathers falls. Greater is He that is in you, than the negative effects of any father.

Barikiweni! Have an awesome day.

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You tube - Judy Karanja

Christian men and faith

One reason why Islam is one of the fastest growing religions of our day and also a reason why there has been a decline in the advancement of Christianity is......FATHERS!
Islam is led by the men. They are the ones allowed to lead and to attend mosque sessions. They are in charge of discipling and leading their households in the faith. They are so serious about it that a woman will have to convert if they want to marry a Muslim properly.

Sadly, it has been the opposite among Christians. In many Christian homes, fathers are lagging behind when it comes to matters spiritual. Many do not even know how to bless the food. They say "Wacha mama nani aombe". Matters of faith are in the back banner of their priorities with mums struggling to cover up and also to be priest in the home.
It is an unspoken fact that in the family setting, daddy only gets involved in the most important things. Even when it comes to spanking, mum can spank and correct but the big cases will go to daddy. So when a dad is listless about spiritual things, they have communicated to the children that faith is not important. It is "umama'. And when the children see, in the same daddy, triple passion for soccer, tribe and politics, they communicate to the children that these are the most important aspects of life.

What kind of Church would we have if all fathers raised their children in the faith like you are raising yours?

This serious commitment to disciple one's own household, is actually the main reason why God chose and blessed Abraham to be the Father of Faith.It is a precious trait to God and a rare trait today. Men, may you be that kind of father to your children and single ladies, may you marry that kind of father for your children.

Ge 18:19 For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the LORD, to do justice and judgment;

#FathersDay #Fathers #Legacy #Faith

Wednesday, 19 July 2017

Poor female role models in popular culture

One reason I don't like the example of many female leads in a lot of of the popular series today is this: Although they are superwomen in solving crime, careers, business, intelligence, fitness and even looks, they are often portrayed as hopeless in romance. They are stupid when it comes to love. They are constantly making bad decisions, dating the wrong men, sleeping with the person before they even know that the person loves them and jumping from bed to bed. They are side chicks and home wreckers and still searching for love late into their late years.

This is not a good picture for ladies to accept. That is not you. You are sharp, you are wise and by God's grace, you are able to make great relationship decisions. Don't follow that lead! Don't waste time with useless men. Don't be anybody's side chick. Don't wreck anybody's home. God will NEVER give you somebody else's husband. Don't even pray and seek counseling about it, just get out of it.

Beware of what you keep watching because soon, you start emulating and reproducing what you see. Just like Jacob's sheep.

Ge 30:38 And the rods which he had peeled, he set before the flocks in the gutters, in the watering troughs where the flocks came to drink, so that they should conceive when they came to drink 39 So the flocks conceived before the rods, and the flocks brought forth streaked, speckled, and spotted.

 Fore more wisdom for life, follow me on:


It's not always God's will

Don't tell people who are going through tremendous pain, loss & tragedy that it is all in God's plan. It isn't! God only plans for good, it is the thief who steals, kills and destroys .Not all that happens is God's will, otherwise He wouldn't have taught us to pray "Your will b done on earth...".

It makes people resent God because they wonder how a loving God can cause or allow such terrible things to happen. It makes Him appear cruel and sadistic. It blames God for their pain.

It empowers the enemy because people arent taught of their authority to recognize, resist and forbid his work. Satan is programmed to flee only when reisted but with this attitude, people r conditioned to stay accepting and passive that maybe it is God's doing.
It creates victims who take no responsibility, make no evaluations and are prone to repeat negative cycles again, saying it's all part of a divine plan.
It sounds sweet but it is very destructive and dangerous.

Barikiweni. Have a blessed week.

Fore more wisdom for life, follow me on:


Dating: Choosing a parent for your children

When you date with the prospect of getting married, please remember that you are also choosing a PARENT FOR YOUR CHILDREN.

So if the person is already hitting you, rude to you, lazy, unreliable, careless with money, a substance abuser, cheating on you, disregarding God's Word, stressing you.... what kind of influence will they have on your children? What kind of future are you building for your little ones one day?


In Jesus' Name, you are wise.

Obey God in your relationships

Jesus said that the person who HEARS and DOES His Word, is the one who has built on a rock. That is the house that will STAND when the storm comes. If all you do is hear but not do God's Word, your house will come down during the storm.

Don't be surprised if your build your relationship and marriage ignoring God's Word and then it all begins to come crumbling down. Don't ask "Why God why?". It's not God's fault. He has given us His Word to guide and protect us. Be safe and be smart, obey God in your relationship now!

Barikiweni. Have a lovely and productive week.

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What you date is what you marry

Never complain abour what you tolerate! Dr M. Murdock
If u tolerate it when dating, don't act shocked when ur married. Say no now!
#privilegeofchoice #maturedating

RISE AGAIN even after failure

In Acts Chapter 12, Herod arrested James, the brother of John. the church zubbed, and he killed James. When he arrested Peter though, the church woke up and prayed so fervently that an angel supernaturally rescued Peter from Prison. Thank God they rose up and prayed.

What did you underestimate? When did you zubaa? What was lost, stolen and destroyed because you downplayed the enemy's threat? What ground, what person did the enemy steal from your life. Wake up and pray, wake up and defend, wake up and fight. Don't let the failures and guilt from the past paralyze you into inaction. You will do better next time. There's still so much to protect and to fight for. By God's grace, get back up again, fight and win. There are some Peter situations waiting for your involvement in order for them to be rescued from Prison.

In Jesus' Name, you are well able.

You are blessed. Have a wonderful week.


Now Jericho wad SECURELY SHUT because of the children of Israel. Nobody went in and nobody went out (Johua 6:1)

No matter what is barricaded or bolted against you,
No matter what regulations are put in place, just to block you & lock you out.
No matter what agreement, unity and collusion they have against you,
You will still enter your promised land!
You will handle the dream, the promotion, the increase or even the inheritance.

Just stay focussed worshiping and obeying God like the children of Israel did.
Refuse strive with men or to complain.

Our God is an expert in bringing down walls for the sake of His people.

Have a blessed day!

Why God's people fail

Why do God's people go through failure, loss, defeat or even premature death?

LACK OF KNOWLEDGE - Not having enough information.
Making decisions & moves based on insufficient knowledge or assumption.
Remedy - Be humble, willing and diligent to learn. Assume nothing.

REJECTING KNOWLEDGE - Refusing to accept the facts that you do know.
Making exceptions for your disobedience and being in denial about the consequences that are coming. Blaming fate, others & God when you refused to do what you know.
Remedy - Give yourself no excuse to disobey God's word or to go against proven principles of life and success.

FORGETTING KNOWLEDGE - Loosing memory of what you once knew or failing to do what you once did.

Remedy - Return to the Word and then don't stop until you win.
HOSEA 4:6 - My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being a priest to me. And since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children.

It's NEVER God's will or God's fault when we are in trouble. Be honest with yourself about which of these has caused your situation. Be humble enough to take responsibility, to repent and to correct the wrong and then watch your life change for good! You are well able!

Barikiweni. Have a lovely week.

I thrive, no matter who rules Kenya.

Daniel served and thrived during the reigns of many different kings. Nebuchadnezzar
Belshazzar, Darius, and Cyrus the Great. No matter who won political power, Daniel kept progressing and becoming more successful. His excellence caught the eyes of different kings and he was appointed to positions of high influence, even when the next king was a bitter enemy of the previous one.

In Jesus' Name, that's us. We exercise our civic duty and vote but no matter who comes into power, we thrive and we do not fail. Our lives do not dwindle if our party does not come into power. We are in God, our hope is in Him who is eternal. We flourish beyond politics. We are trees planted by the riverside, which produce fruit in season and whatever we do prospers.

#fearnot #hopeinGod
Barikiweni! Have a blessed weekend

All that matters is YOUR man or YOUR woman

Don't busy and embitter yourself with debates about MEN and how they are unfaithful, selfish or lazy. Neither about WOMEN and how they have all become money hungry, rude and unable to care for a home.

Concern yourself only with making sure that when you choose YOUR MAN or YOUR WOMAN, you choose the good one with the great qualities that you want. That way, no matter how much drama is happening out there, you can still have a great marriage like very many people are today.

If you are complaining and waiting until all men and women change, you will wait forever, because all the ranting and debate in the world cannot change all men and all women.

Be wise, #choosewell

Barikiweni. Have a blessed week.

Did God really say?

When satan cannot get you to reject or forget God's Word, he will try to get you confused about your interpretation it. It's the oldest trick in the book.

"Did God really say...." That is what he said to Eve and then convinced her that eating the forbidden fruit wasn't such a big deal at all. He convinced her that she had misunderstood God and was making a big deal out of nothing. Humanity regrets that decision to date.

Did God really say that you shouldn't bribe? - What if it's the only way?
Did God really say that you cannot kill? - But abortion is kind to the mother.
Did God really say that you shouldn't fornicate? - But love is of God and love is good.
Did God really say that you shouldn't commit adultery? - But what if their spouse is mean to them and you are their true soul mate?
Did God really say that you should never forsake assembling with brethren in worship? - But what if members of your church are all fake and you are busy.
Did God really say that you shouldn't criticize and judge? - But what if it's a man of God who is cheating people. Surely you need to post about it.
Did God really say that homosexuality is sin and will lead to judgement? - But doesn't that make you cruel and intolerant?

The enemy will even use scripture to confuse you or to contradict other things that God has said. Remember, he tried this on Jesus during the temptation. What lie have you believed to the point of making excuses against what God has said? That is the cunning of the enemy and if you are not discerning, you will slowly accommodate what God hates and condemn yourself to judgement. Don't do it!

In Jesus' Name, you are wise.


God's light will put you ahead in life.

In the beginning, God said "Light be" and there was LIGHT on the FIRST day of creation. But the sun, moon, stars and other natural heavenly bodies were created on day FOUR of creation. [Genesis 1]

There's supernaural light, insight, wisdom and knowledge that supercedes natural light. If u always wait until u can see evidence with your natural eyes, you will be late, you will lag behind and be slow in life .

God is Light and the Spirit of God in you will lead you into things before they become obvious and apparent to everyone. Listen to Him. He will show you things to come before they happenn; to warn you and to bless you. Through thoughts, unctions, ideas, dreams, visions, prophecy, and many other avenues .
Spend time with Him and follow His leading in 2017 and you will thrive. But remember, His leading will never conradict His Word. Check everything against scripture first and then, take action.


Tuesday, 18 July 2017

Career strain on your marriage?

19 years ago, my husband was working 7 days a week. In Church ministry, most staff members get their off days on Mondays. There are too many preparations for ministry on Saturday so it has to be a work day. So while the rest of us were off on Monday, my husband had counseling sessions and had to work on Monday to make sure all was well in his department before office opens again on Tuesday. We were newly married and had no time together except in the evenings and as you know, that is also not always guaranteed. What many people do when this happens, is to conclude that it is their fate. “The will of God”. That they should be at least grateful that they have jobs.

We desired time together and so we wrote a petition to God to help us have time together. At least an off day where we could do what normal couples do; go shopping, go visiting, go for outings or just relax at home together. Our attitude has always been that you don’t have to choose between one or the other when it comes to God’s blessings. You can have all that you desire. One blessing does not have to negate the other. Good jobs or businesses do not have to negate life or time together. It’s up to you. What do you believe for?

So we wrote the petition, prayed, signed it and dated it [you might need to learn about the prayer of petition]. From then on, we would diligently just thank God in faith. As I write today, we spend EVERYDAY together. It began by him being given that Monday officially off and eventually, when we began ministry, we had everyday together. It’s been so for the past 17 years. We are ministers and we run business together. We have been re-paid for the time that we lost; good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over.  Forget those who tell you that spouses cannot work together. That it’s too stifling. I loooove working with him. To date, even when he has to go out often and work late, I still miss him. Why? Coz I really enjoy his company. I married my best friend. God answered our prayer and for that, we are forever grateful. We are truly blessed, but make no mistake, it didn’t just fall on our laps. We had to push for it in faith and prayer. We’ve had to close our minds to impossibility and keep believing that it was possible.

I’m writing this to encourage you. Ask God for what you want. Don’t settle for living in different towns, different nations or barely having time together. You don’t have to choose one or the other. Ask God for favour, ask God for wisdom, ask God for transfers, ask God for business ideas. He will help you. He wants to help you. He designed for married people to do life together and that involves living together and having time to spend with each other. Only believe!

Barikiweni. Have a lovely week.