Saturday, 30 March 2013


No matter how much Israel develops and progresses, the people still identify themselves as sons of their fathers: Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. It is a wise generation that recognizes and appreciates the value of founders and pillars who contributed to the greatness that it enjoys. Even if they are no longer needed, even if the things that they fought for are no longer relevant and even if the current generation successfully moves on without them, fathers deserve honor because at one time, they mattered.

With a certain level of contemplation, I recognize the SHIFT that has been officially sealed in our nation today. The baton has been passed down from fathers to the current generation of leaders. I believe we are seeing the end of the leadership of our fathers' generation. It is a somewhat solemn and sad moment when you recognize the closure of an era. As we say "goodbye" to past heroes and greats that must now take a back seat and allow the nation to move on as they enter their sunset years. Many faces that we grew familiar with in our youth, that have brought us this far.

At the the same time it promising and exciting as the young crop of leaders gets their chance to take us forward in a way that only they can. It's promising to have leaders who think differently now. Who understand our world better. Who are in touch with the perceptions and expectations of the young generation of today. The possibilities seem endless. I pray that they will honor and respect the fathers who've gone ahead of them. That they will learn from their mistakes and triumphs. That they will replicate the good and shun the bad. That they will be humble enough even to receive counsel as they realize that others have stood where they now stand and know that it is no easy task!

May this generation of leaders take Kenya higher and further, by God's grace and wisdom. I pray that our new government will be remembered, like DAVID, for being catalysts of  positive development and national pride and not like REHOBOAM who became the mark of the beginning of the deterioration of the nation.

We prayed a lot before and during the election and we can't say enough thank you's to God for sustaining us peacefully thus far. But we must pray even more earnestly now. As the elected take office, as policies are laid down, as more leaders are nominated and foundations of a new era are set. We thank the Lord that though the transition was bumpy, we've made it through! We celebrate the beginning of a NEW DAY for this nation. May God indeed help us. May God bless Kenya.


"If you cannot plan your day, you cannot plan your life." Dr Mike Murdock

If you dream about the future but have disregarded today, you have failed to realize that YOUR FUTURE IS TRICKLING IN ONE DAY AT A TIME and you have failed to recognize it because, in your mind, you have pushed it far into the days ahead.

Take your daily schedule seriously: Your daily prayers, your daily faith decrees, your daily time with your spouse, your daily time with your children, your daily exercise, your daily work, your daily business, your daily savings, your daily disciplines.

Champions are those who take the opportunity daily, to do things that others relegate to when they are "inspired". What are you going to do today to create the future that you desire in that area that has been bothering you?

I pray that by God's grace you will dare to be disciplined. You dare to practice daily, what will change your life for good, forever. I pray that you do the daily things that will produce the future that you want. May your days not be wasted. May you not spend years dreaming but never attaining. May you HANDLE the dream that God has put in your heart.

Lu 11:3 Give us day by day our DAILY bread.

Lu 9:23 "If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross DAILY and follow Me.

Lu 19:47 And He was teaching DAILY in the temple.

Ac 17:11 These were more fair-minded than those in Thessalonica, ... searched the Scriptures DAILY to find out whether these things were so.

Have a blessed day! You are well able to attain God's greatness for you, one day at a time.


If your child is sick and needs treatment, who will treat him/her? Your tribe or the doctors?

If you need public transport to go for your important appointments, who will drive you? Your tribe or the drivers?

If you are a worker, still claiming your dues from the government, who will demonstrate with you? Your tribe or your fellow workers?

If you are a student getting an education, who will lecture you? Your tribe or your lecturers?

If you are a policeman fighting crime, who will cover you? Your tribe or your fellow policemen?

If you need supplies from the supermarket, who will supply them, your tribe or business men?

If thugs attack your house and you need help, who will assist you? Your tribe or your neighbors?

Though very important, TRIBE IS OFTEN OVERRATED!

Don't sabotage your life by burning bridges and destroying crucial relationships because of tribe.


Goodnight Kenya. Please appreciate the gift of diverse people that God has placed all around you to be a blessing to you!


By faith, even Sarah herself, when she was BARREN received power to conceive offspring, even though she was PAST THE AGE, since she considered that the One who had promised was faithful. Hebrews 11:11

SOUL IS STRONGER THAN BODY. Even the doctors concur. If you have the will power to make it or to get well, you will. If you stay encouraged and refuse to despair, you will overcome. If you believe that you can't, you won't.

But going beyond that: SPIRIT IS STRONGER THAN SOUL. Faith will enable you to achieve the impossible. To go beyond sheer will power and psyche. Sarah was a has been and a gone case. She was justifiably so written off that her trouble became her name: "The barren one" [Lk 1:36]. Through faith, not will power, the barren one became the mother of many nations. Faith is the supernaturally empowered confidence in the Word of God.

May you prioritize and feed your spirit all the time. Read the word and pray. Live out of resources that are deeper than all human ability put together. Fortify your life with the power that defies and overcomes the impossible.

You are a spirit, you have a soul and you live in a body. Strengthen your spirit. Refuse to live below God's potential for you.



They made me the keeper of the vineyards; but my [own] vineyard I have not kept. Songs 1:6

Beware of spending your life building others, while neglecting yourself and your loved ones. Sometimes, the need to be loved and appreciated makes us go overboard in helping others, while we hurt ourselves.

Dear Mr generous, as you are busy helping and bailing out all sorts of people, are you depleting your own family?

Employee, as you give your best years to making a lot of money, predominantly for your employer, when will you begin to make some money for yourself?
Mr Charming: As you open doors and run errands for other ladies, who is doing the same for your wife?
Secretary of the year: As you serve your boss exceptionally well, do you do the same for your own husband?

Mentor, as you are busy raising others, who is raising your own children?

Minister, as you raise others in the faith, how is your own walk with God doing?

Miss nice, as you give time to all the people's demands, are your own responsibilities suffering?

Fiery Evangelist, as you win the world to Jesus, who is winning your family?

Be wise. If necessary, reset your priorities and take good care of your vineyards. You will be accountable to God for them.



When the horse is dead, it's time to dismount. Stop flogging the dead relationship.

For lack of discernment, some people waste years insisting on a relationship with a person who does not share their passion and commitment. In the name of loyalty, people fail to end obviously dead relationships. Some struggle on in relationships that have become a pain and a burden.

This article is to help people in such situations. The one guessing whether or not they are still loved and the one who is stringing someone along even though they know in their hears that they no longer desire to continue in that relationship.

The dating period is ideally for getting to know the person that you would want to spend the rest of your life with. It is possible, that after you get to know the person, you realize that they are not what you desire. It is not sin. It's just a fact.

As long as you are genuine, you are not playing with a person's heart and you are not a chronic dater, jumping from one relationship to another, don't crucify yourself if it happens to you.Don't condemn yourself as a failure if you discover that you are in a wrong relationship. This is why it is foolish to do anything binding during the dating years e.g. having sex, buying property together or being surety for each others loans. It is premature and unwise. Don't make permanent decisions when a relationship is still temporary.

By all means, don't stay just because you are too embarrassed to admit that you have made a mistake.Someone once said, "If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging". Stop making it worse. Stop trying to revive what God Himself may be killing. There is a time to embrace and a time to let go.[Ecclesiastes 3:5]

People are often told DON'T QUIT! But I say to you, quit! Quit if it gets you back into the will of God. Quit if it ends a toxic relationship. Quit when you realize you were on the wrong road. Quit if it makes things right and gets you back on track.

Marriage is for destiny. If you realize that you are going nowhere as a couple, do each other a favor and end it.Release each other with dignity and move on to fulfill God's will and to eventually connect with your destiny partner.

Let me clarify here that I am addressing singles. I don't see anywhere in scripture where God allows married couples to easily separate because of "irreconcilable differences" and to move on. God is very serious about the permanence of marriage.

Maybe you are scared that people will talk. So what if they do? Watasema watachoka, kisha watalala :-). Maybe you re scared because your family will be disappointed. Remember, you are marrying for you, not for your family. You are the one who gets to spend the rest of your life with this person.

Maybe you are scared of getting embarrassed. That 's pride. Get over it, get embarrassed and then get on the right path. Embarrassment never killed anybody. A mature person is willing to face the embarrassment , take ownership of their mistakes and make corrections. It will be more embarrassing if you stay together, waste years of marriage together and then have a messy divorce with children involved. Learn from it and move on. Become wiser and better from it otherwise you are doomed to repeat the same cycle.

Remember singles, you have the privilege of choice.To waste that choice on someone who is obviously wrong for you or who does not have the same conviction about the relationship as you do, is tragic indeed. That would be acting like Herod's daughter who could have had anything she wanted, up to half the kingdom but ended up with the head of John the Baptist.  Nkest!!

Here are some pointers to help you analyze whether your relationship is dying or dead. We aren't addressing obvious  signs like cheating, violence, dating unbelievers e.t.c.. We are talking about the more subtle signs. Gentle pointers that highlight the death of a relationship.

When a person is excited about you, they want to communicate with you as often as possible. They will call, tweet, text, facebook; whatever it takes, just to hear from you and to commune with you. When the line from the other end seems dead, something is wrong. Scrutinize your communication. Are you the constant initiator? Do they ever bother? Is your excitement one sided? Value yourself. You also deserve to be longingly anticipated.

When a person asks you out and goes out with you, they will usually communicate and let you know what a good time they had. If they don't follow up the date with any communication, maybe they didn't enjoy it as much as you did. If you are still waiting after a week, two weeks, a month, several months and they don't say anything, they are probably not going to communicate. If you are the only one being superfluous with gratitude about the date, the excitement is lopsided. It seems the pleasure was all yours!

Ladies, a man who is excited about you will not stay silent for days, weeks and months on end after a date. He may be a gentleman and may be playing polite but the truth is, he's just not that interested. Don't keep checking  why he hasn't called you back. Don't nag somebody for feedback. Move on. You will find someone who loves you the way you desire to be loved. Remember, you were not created to be tolerated. Let dignity guard you! Dignity is the awareness that you also deserve honor!

One undeniable result of passion is pursuit. When you are passionate about something, you create time for it and you prioritize it. When a person no longer prioritizes your dates, postpones them for flimsy reasons or seems relieved when something else comes up, they are telling you something. When your requests to meet are met with excuses, excuses, excuses like; "I had to work late, I need to do something, my mum sent me to shaggs, I had homework", they are avoiding you. A person in love with you cannot get enough of being with you.

When you are relegated to the bottom of the priority list the relationship is dying. When you are being endured,  it is a bad sign. Don't insist, read the signs. Maya Angelous said "When people show you who they are, believe them". Many people who have wasted time waiting for someone, simply ignored the obvious signs that were presented before them. It's called denial.

If he/she constantly comes late for dates, because they'd rather be doing something else more interesting,  it's a burning bush signal to you. If they begin to postpone dates, the burning bush is now talking. If they don't show up for dates and never say a word, the bush is now shouting while running round in circles. Someone is definitely missing the screaming signs.

Relationships are for two, but as I read on a flier recently, some people don't know how to count. When there's a third person competing for your loved one, and he/she is allowing it, it's time for a relationship review. When your boy/girl friend seems so taken and in awe of another person, it is a red flag. When they would rather do anything for that person but you seem to have to beg, write a petition and a thesis justifying what you are asking for, you are no longer their number one. You have become a contingency plan, an option, a has been. You were "now showing" but you have been overtaken. Watch out, "coming soon" is round the corner.

Also, when your loved one is completely unmoved if someone else is interested in you, they are over you. Even God is jealous for His own. When someone doesn't seem to care whether or not a third party has their sights on you, they have removed themselves from that equation. It doesn't matter any more to them whether you go or stay.

When he/she would rather be with their buddies rather than you, the relationship is dead.

When a person is sure that they want to spend the rest of their life with you, they introduce you to their close friends and family. They will want you to meet the people that matter to them. Beware of the person who hides you. Who will not be seen with you in public. Whose family has never heard of you and who keeps downplaying the "meet and greet". It is a strong indication that you are not that important to them.

If you were dating and then suddenly you are the only one  introducing them as your boy/girlfriend, something is wrong. If they introduce you as their neighbor, friend or prayer partner and seem not to call you girl/boyfriend anymore, they are over you.

Just to clarify something here; Never assume that you are dating someone. It doesn't matter how many dates you have gone for, you have to agree when you are "officially" boyfriend and girl/friend. If this had happened but the person now struggles to introduce you as such; they are either embarrassed about you or not convinced in their heart about you.

Passion can be impatient. When a person is excited about something, they want it now! It doesn't ever seem to happen fast enough. That is why, when the person you are dating begins to talk in terms of slowing things down, they are sending a message. They are easing you off. They want to gently back off from you. I'm not talking about a genuine request to figure out whether or not they are ready. I'm talking about someone who just wants more "SPACE" away from you. Don't make it more awkward by asking " Can I call you after space period is over"? Get the message.

Honorable people are straight forward and honest in a polite and loving way. Unfortunately, not everyone is honorable in relationships. It's a sad thing when you find yourself with someone who doesn't have the backbone to tell you that they don't think the relationship is going anywhere. Someone who strings you along and keeps you frustrated and wondering.

What is worse, is allowing yourself to be stringed along. What is sad is ignoring the signs and insisting that all is well. Do yourself a favor, dismount! That horse is long gone.

Don't get bitter and vindictive. Clarify their position, release them and trust God NEVER to end up in such a situation again. I often say "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me".

By God's grace and wisdom, you will find the right and the best person for you.Don't delay the entrance of that person into your life by holding on to time wasting relationships.

If you are the person who knows that you are no longer interested, stop stringing someone along. Man up. Be honest and gracious and let them know. Don't waste anybody's time. It is not merciful. It is actually very cruel.

I decree that you have wisdom.You will marry well in Jesus Name!


If you're not ready to delay gratification when your are angry. To hold your tongue, lower your voice and sometimes wait till the appropriate time, day or even month before you can deal with an issue thoroughly.... don't get married. Immaturity is the inability to delay gratification. Marriage is for the mature.

If you're not ready to leave center stage and allow someone else to become your focus, your study, your muse... don't get married. Selfish people make very bad spouses. In marriage you don't lose yourself but your heart has to be big enough to gain someone else. And soon, with God's blessing: little, crying, diaper soiling, demanding little ones are coming!

If you are not ready, to stand up and calmly deal with meddling in laws as a united front: The opinionated sister, the insensitive uncle, the domineering father, the manner less brother, the nosy aunt..... don't get married. Boundaries do not exist automatically, they must be created. A good spouse is committed to respectfully stand up for and protect their marriage from meddling relatives. Don't abandon your spouse to your relatives. It's betrayal.

If you are not ready to pay bills.... don't get married. Love does not pay bills. Kenya power will not give a waiver because your love is O so strong and your gazes at each other, O so romantic.

If you are not ready to let go of your opposite sex "best friends" and invest that into your spouse. To like, to laugh, to play, to be silly and to enjoy life with them, above anyone else... don't get married. Affairs happen because people did not marry their best friends. Someone else holds their heart. Someone else gets them better. Someone else inspires them more. Marry your best friend and cultivate your friendship so that you remain best friends.

If you are not ready to stop competing with the Joneses.... don't get married. Let the Joneses buy their yatch when you are still walking, and enjoy the walk. Your journeys are different. They may have to cross the oceans but you may be going through the road route. A boat might not do you any good on your journey. You must be ready to pace yourselves: stop competing, stop spending your future before you get there, stop the debt, stop trying to impress people. You must be able to be content. To enjoy your journey without deciding your happiness simply by measuring your progress against other people.

If you are not ready to be an open book. To tell the whole story of your past, deal with the memories, expose the failures and risk rejection.... don't get married. It is fraud to have someone sign off their life to you without the full details. The past is a touchy and demanding friend. It always shows up in the marriage. It doesn't enjoy being ignored and the more you snob, the bolder it becomes and the more tantrums it throws. It will mess up the "neat" and "all together lovely" image that you are struggling to maintain.

If you are not ready to let go of your philandering and wild oats farming.... don't get married. Don't take somebody's son or daughter and subject them to your germs, your indiscretions and your chips fungaz. It never ends well. It's romanticized in the movies, it's being fronted as the only "realistic" way to stay married and keep the fire burning. But truth be told, the only thing that the fire will burn will be you, your spouse and your children. That family will burn for generations in bitterness, disease, fear, failure, hatred, broken hearts, broken dreams and conniving.

Finally, if you are not ready to let go of the adrenalin rush ofa risque life and to settle down.... don't get married. The great  Colombus [who we were told "discovered" America, Have you ever wondered if the Native Indians who were in it, knew that it existed :-)] had a diary that was long sought for. People wanted to read about the wild journeys, the sea tempest, the reckless pirates they fought, the death and the danger they must have encountered. When it was found, there was great disappointment. Majority of the pages simply had 5 words: "This day, we sailed on.".

Marriage, like life in general, has many "we sail on" days. You have to learn to find the thrill in the normal everydayness of it. If you depend on wild romance, all night sex [ha], romantic cruises, wild parties, compulsive moves across continents, tempestuous fights and make up sessions to be happy, you may be disappointed. You have to learn to thrill in gentle smiles, loving hugs, knowing looks, cozy moments, shared chores, cute babies, everyday work, dreaming together, praying together and simply living together. If these things are not thrilling, exciting and satisfying, you will look for a way out. The "boom twaff" moments are still there, but they are normally punctuations to the usualness of living. They cannot be your reason for getting married. They are unsustainable on an every day basis. The one you choose  must be thrilling to you even in the most mundane of moments.

I pray this helps someone. Remember singles, YOU HAVE THE PRIVILEGE OF CHOICE. Never let anyone pressure you into marriage. You are either ready or you're not: You decide!. But please don't marry somebody and then punish them to live with your childish ways for the rest of their lives :-). A childish baby is cute but a childish adult is extremely frustrating.

Marriage is for the mature and in many ways, we the married, are still being confronted with the demand to grow up day by day. If you are not ready for that demand, don't get married!!!!
