Friday, 3 January 2014

Prayer for Excellence, Discipline and Diligence

Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ, I decree that I am diligent and consistent in all the responsibilities that you have for me. I do not lag in diligence in any area of my life. I am fervent in spirit, serving the Lord. I rejoice always in hope, I am patient in tribulation and I continue steadfastly in prayer, in all that I do. By the blessing of God, I distribute to the needs of the saints and I am given to hospitality. Ro 12:10-13

Thank you that by your grace, I give myself continually to prayer and to the ministry of the Word. I recognize that you are the one who gives power to get wealth. I give you the highest place in my life. I seek first your Kingdom and your righteousness and all that I need and desire is added to me. I am steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord and in all that I do, knowing that in the Lord, my labor is never in vain. Acts 6:4, Deuteronomy 8:18, Mathew 6:33, 1st Corinthians 15:8

Because of your help in my life, I distinguish myself above my peers. Your excellent spirit is in me. Thank you that Kings and leaders increase my responsibilities and benefits because you help me to walk in consistent excellence. Wherever I am sent and wherever I go, I behave myself wisely. In all my dealings, I am marked by wisdom. Therefore I am set over others. I am promoted and accepted in the sight of all people, because God’s grace is upon me. In all my ways, I behave wisely because the Lord is with me. Daniel 6:3 , Samuel 18:5, 1st Samuel 1:14

All my leaders and peers see that the LORD is with me and that God prospers all that I do. I have favor in their sight because I work well. I am made overseer and put in authority over much. The LORD blesses my family, my church, my company and my business because of me. I am a carrier of the blessing of God, wherever I go. Greater and greater responsibilities are thus left in my hand and by God’s grace I always do exceptional work. Genesis 39:2-5

I decree that I am diligent to show myself approved before God and man. I am a workman not needing to be ashamed in any way. In all my labor there is profit. I plan well and because of diligence, I achieve the plans that you have for me. By my diligent hands I rule and my plans surely lead to plenty. 2nd Timothy 2:15, Proverbs 14:23

Thank You Lord that my faith is alive and active because it is accompanied by the right, God ordained works and action steps, that bring excellent results. I work smart. You show me what to do and I do it. You show me what actions to take and I take them. I am not mighty in word only but also in deed. James 2:20, Acts 9:6, Luke 14:24

In Jesus' Name I pray, Amen


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