I pray you will take this journey with us and take charge of your life through prayer. May the final days of this year and 2014 be the most amazing year in your life so far! Don't passively sit and wait for things to happen. By the power of the Word and the Spirit of God inside of you, make them happen!
Ask & it shall be given to you. [Mt 7:7] - You can need, you can desire, you can dream but spiritual law dictates that there are things that will not be given until you ask.
Pray in your room and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly. [Mt 6:6] - There are open rewards you will never get until you get involved in secret petition before God.
Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up. [ Jas 4:10] Prayer is humbling yourself before God. Thanking Him, acknowledging Him and depending on Him. If you want to be lifted up, humble yourself in prayer.
...The worlds were framed by the Word of God. [Heb 11:3] - By speaking God's Word, you frame: shape, mould, form and define your world. Otherwise, it is left up to happenstance and you have no control.
A man's stomach shall be satisfied by the fruit of his mouth. [Pr 18:20] - Even your ability to provide and feed yourself and your household needs the support of your prayers of faith. It is God who gives the power to get wealth [Deut 8:18]
For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, 'Be removed and be cast into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says. [Mr 11:23] - Stop talking about the mountain, singing about the mountain and listening to the mountain speak to you: Speak to the mountain!! Mountains [problems, obstacles and barriers] move when you speak the Word of God to them. Otherwise they are formidable and will keep you from achieving destiny. Begin speaking to those challenging situations and breaking those negative cycles in your life through praying the Word of God
The earth was formless and void....and God said LIGHT BE! [Gen 1:2&3] - When God was faced with chaos and darkness, He spoke light and it was! Be like your Father. By the Word of God, speak out what you want into your life until light comes. You are not a helpless victim.
Bless the LORD, you His angels, Who excel in strength, who do His word, Heeding the voice of His word. [Ps 103:20] Angels don't respond to emotions. They listen for the voicing of the Word of God in order to perform it.
Then Jesus said to him, "Away with you, Satan! For it is written... [Mt 4:10]. Satan does not flee because your shouting, he flees when you resist him with "It is written". With the Word of God.
God bless you as you join us. Let us take charge and use our authority in Christ and pray! You are well able.
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