Wednesday, 1 January 2014


Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ, thank you for your constant leadership and direction in my life. Thank you that you instruct me and teach me in the way that I should go. Thank you that you consistently counsel me and watch over me as I make my decisions this year and all the days of my life. [Psalm 32:8]

Please forgive me Father, for every time I have ignored or disregarded your voice. Forgive me for insisting on my own way or the ways of others. You came into this world so that all who do not see may see. Thank you that you help me to see well. Thank you that you show me Your ways O Lord and you continue to teach me Your paths. You open my eyes and consistently and I see wondrous things from your law. [John 9:39, Psalm 25:4, Psalm 119:18]

I decree that I am led by the Holy Spirit. I belong to the flock of God. I hear You well and I know Your voice. I will not give attention or follow any strange voices all around me but I will always follow You. Thank you that by Your grace, you help me to take time in Your presence daily to Hear and obey You. I declare that I do not lean on my own understanding but I trust in You with all my heart concerning every area of my life. I am led by your wisdom. [Romans 8:14, John 10:4,1st John 2:21, Proverbs 3:5]

Holy Spirit, I thank you for your constant voice in my life. You are the Anointing from the Holy One. Thank you that you are in me and because of you, I know all things. I understand all things that you allow me to encounter, because You guide me all truth. There is nothing that you don’t know or do not understand. Nothing that I face is beyond me because I have you as my Teacher. Thank you that you make known to me mysteries. Things that others in my field may not even be aware of. You tell me of things to come and I give them due attention and due diligence. [1st John 2:21, John 16:13, Ephesians 3:3]

I decree Spirit of the Lord that you rest upon me. Spirit of wisdom and understanding, Spirit of counsel and might, Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord. My delight is in the fear of the Lord and I do not judge by the sight of my eyes nor decide by the hearing of my ears, but with righteousness and accuracy, I judge and discern everything well. Lord, you give me counsel. You instruct my heart in the night seasons. You show me the path of lie in every situation and that is the path that I follow. [Isaiah 11:2, Psalm 16:7 & 11]

Thank you Lord that you have given to me the spirit of revelation in the knowledge of you. The eyes of my understanding are enlightened. I know what is the hope of Your calling in my life, what are the riches of Your inheritance in the saints and what is the exceeding greatness of Your power towards us who believe. [Ephesians 1:6]

I thank you that where I have walked in darkness, by your grace and mercy, I now see a great light. Where I have dwelt in the land of the shadow of death, upon me, Your light has shined. I no longer walk in error or darkness. I walk in Your light. Thank you that I am led of you and I follow you all the days of my life. [Isaiah 9:2]

 In Jesus’ Name I pray

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