Saturday, 30 March 2013


By faith, even Sarah herself, when she was BARREN received power to conceive offspring, even though she was PAST THE AGE, since she considered that the One who had promised was faithful. Hebrews 11:11

SOUL IS STRONGER THAN BODY. Even the doctors concur. If you have the will power to make it or to get well, you will. If you stay encouraged and refuse to despair, you will overcome. If you believe that you can't, you won't.

But going beyond that: SPIRIT IS STRONGER THAN SOUL. Faith will enable you to achieve the impossible. To go beyond sheer will power and psyche. Sarah was a has been and a gone case. She was justifiably so written off that her trouble became her name: "The barren one" [Lk 1:36]. Through faith, not will power, the barren one became the mother of many nations. Faith is the supernaturally empowered confidence in the Word of God.

May you prioritize and feed your spirit all the time. Read the word and pray. Live out of resources that are deeper than all human ability put together. Fortify your life with the power that defies and overcomes the impossible.

You are a spirit, you have a soul and you live in a body. Strengthen your spirit. Refuse to live below God's potential for you.


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