Saturday, 30 March 2013


No matter how much Israel develops and progresses, the people still identify themselves as sons of their fathers: Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. It is a wise generation that recognizes and appreciates the value of founders and pillars who contributed to the greatness that it enjoys. Even if they are no longer needed, even if the things that they fought for are no longer relevant and even if the current generation successfully moves on without them, fathers deserve honor because at one time, they mattered.

With a certain level of contemplation, I recognize the SHIFT that has been officially sealed in our nation today. The baton has been passed down from fathers to the current generation of leaders. I believe we are seeing the end of the leadership of our fathers' generation. It is a somewhat solemn and sad moment when you recognize the closure of an era. As we say "goodbye" to past heroes and greats that must now take a back seat and allow the nation to move on as they enter their sunset years. Many faces that we grew familiar with in our youth, that have brought us this far.

At the the same time it promising and exciting as the young crop of leaders gets their chance to take us forward in a way that only they can. It's promising to have leaders who think differently now. Who understand our world better. Who are in touch with the perceptions and expectations of the young generation of today. The possibilities seem endless. I pray that they will honor and respect the fathers who've gone ahead of them. That they will learn from their mistakes and triumphs. That they will replicate the good and shun the bad. That they will be humble enough even to receive counsel as they realize that others have stood where they now stand and know that it is no easy task!

May this generation of leaders take Kenya higher and further, by God's grace and wisdom. I pray that our new government will be remembered, like DAVID, for being catalysts of  positive development and national pride and not like REHOBOAM who became the mark of the beginning of the deterioration of the nation.

We prayed a lot before and during the election and we can't say enough thank you's to God for sustaining us peacefully thus far. But we must pray even more earnestly now. As the elected take office, as policies are laid down, as more leaders are nominated and foundations of a new era are set. We thank the Lord that though the transition was bumpy, we've made it through! We celebrate the beginning of a NEW DAY for this nation. May God indeed help us. May God bless Kenya.


  1. "The destiny of the nation lies in the hands of those that govern it on their knees" Anonymous

  2. Amen to this prayer. God is on the throne. He is in full control. As long as the earth endures seasons will keep on changing. But God is still the same and by His Grace Kenya will be able to become all she was created to be! Indeed God Bless you Pastor Judy and God Bless Kenya.
