Wednesday 19 July 2017

It's not always God's will

Don't tell people who are going through tremendous pain, loss & tragedy that it is all in God's plan. It isn't! God only plans for good, it is the thief who steals, kills and destroys .Not all that happens is God's will, otherwise He wouldn't have taught us to pray "Your will b done on earth...".

It makes people resent God because they wonder how a loving God can cause or allow such terrible things to happen. It makes Him appear cruel and sadistic. It blames God for their pain.

It empowers the enemy because people arent taught of their authority to recognize, resist and forbid his work. Satan is programmed to flee only when reisted but with this attitude, people r conditioned to stay accepting and passive that maybe it is God's doing.
It creates victims who take no responsibility, make no evaluations and are prone to repeat negative cycles again, saying it's all part of a divine plan.
It sounds sweet but it is very destructive and dangerous.

Barikiweni. Have a blessed week.

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