Wednesday, 19 July 2017

RISE AGAIN even after failure

In Acts Chapter 12, Herod arrested James, the brother of John. the church zubbed, and he killed James. When he arrested Peter though, the church woke up and prayed so fervently that an angel supernaturally rescued Peter from Prison. Thank God they rose up and prayed.

What did you underestimate? When did you zubaa? What was lost, stolen and destroyed because you downplayed the enemy's threat? What ground, what person did the enemy steal from your life. Wake up and pray, wake up and defend, wake up and fight. Don't let the failures and guilt from the past paralyze you into inaction. You will do better next time. There's still so much to protect and to fight for. By God's grace, get back up again, fight and win. There are some Peter situations waiting for your involvement in order for them to be rescued from Prison.

In Jesus' Name, you are well able.

You are blessed. Have a wonderful week.

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