Thursday, 20 July 2017

You are not doomed to repeat your father's mistakes

Your fathers, including Terah, the father of Abraham,...served other gods. -
Joshua 24:2

If my hubby and I told you about our daddy issues, both spiritual and natural, we could tell you stories for miles. Fathers are not perfect and sometimes they make wrong, deeply hurtful mistakes that affect children's lives for years or even forever.

Abraham's father worshipped demons (other gods), yet Abraham rose to build such relationship and faith in God that he became the father of faith.

You do not have to repeat your father's mistakes. You can rise beyond your father's failures. Some of the best fathers I know today had really bad fathering (if any) from their own dads. You don't have to live and die poor like your dad, you dont have to get rich through corruption like your dad. You don't have to be unfaithful to your wife like your dad (Again, some of the best husbands I know had fathers who were terrible husbands themselves). You are not doomed to batter your wife like your dad. You dont even have to be overweight or sickly and die prematurely like your dad. You don't have to have a struggling, or succesful but crooked ministry like your spiritual dad.

If you have received Christ, God is now your Father. You have His DNA. You can overcome every obstacle and disadvantage passed down to you by your human fathers. You can rise to be everything that they were not and yet still honour and love them. Arise and shine, your light has come, you are not doomed to emulate your fathers falls. Greater is He that is in you, than the negative effects of any father.

Barikiweni! Have an awesome day.

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