Tuesday, 22 August 2017



By God's grace and blessing, I have been in a happy Luo - Kikuyu marriage for 19 years. I learnt a long time ago that no side & no tribe is perfect. None is the standard for right, truth, justice and honesty, only God is. And in matters of government, only His government shall never end. All others are flawed, prejudiced and imperfect.
It taught me many years ago and is still teaching me today to arise above the emotions and obvious biases and look at things HONESTLY and OBJECTIVELY. That is why I am not a sycophant for tribe or for Party, I am a sycophant for God and for Truth. I am a sycophant for the well being of my nation and all it's people. I am sycophant for God's mercy because that is the chance that we have as a nation. Our righteousness is definitely not what will save us, we have all failed thoroughly in this. It is God's mercy that will help us rise!

I see wrong wherever it is, even when it's my tribe. I see lies wherever they are, even when it's the other tribes. I pray that I will grow better and better in this and that many more Kenyans would also grow in this. I'm sure they are there but the numbers, obviously need to grow. Maybe then we can be honest with the whole picture of what's going on, instead of going overboard to castigate the "other side's" mistakes as we gloss over the mistakes of "our side". To scream and demonize what "they" have done as we have complete amnesia about what "we've" done. To wail hysterically for the world to stop "them" while we see nothing about what "our people" are doing wrong. To blame everything on "them" while not holding our side accountable for anything. Then by God's grace, we can all take responsibility for our part and heal our nation. Be very honest with yourself, what has YOUR SIDE done to contribute to this? Let's go a step further, what have YOU DONE to fuel the hate or to quell it down? What have you done to point out the errors of the other side while defending everything your side does, refusing to see their mistakes.

Let's be honest: They all rigged some people out during the primaries, trampling over the choice of the people. Setting the stage for brutal battles. That is injustice, no matter which party did it. They all had violence during the primaries. People died during primaries. They all called each other names during campaigns. They all played tribal mathematics and positioning to some extent. They may have had good strengths but they also failed in many ways. That is the truth.

It is wrong to have run such emotive, vindictive and tribal campaigns.
It is wrong to have divided Kenyans yet again mainly on tribal lines.
It is wrong to have called each other derogatory names.
It is wrong for any minister or church to have given tribal, biased prophecies which are clearly not from God.
It is wrong to have hacked the IEBC servers whether by one party, the other or both.
It is wrong to have lied about it, if it was a lie.
It is wrong to have killed the IEBC ICT manager for whatever reason.
It is wrong to have raided one party's tallying centers.
It is wrong for any party to have rigged any election at any level, even if the result favored someone that I liked and voted for.
It is wrong to cry foul over much of the election process and then refuse to seek legal redress for your complaints.
It is wrong to cry for justice, justice, justice and then refuse to take your issues to the courts of justice. By that decision, to indirectly raise the emotions of your supporters to go to the streets for mass action.
It is wrong to react to those supporters by killing them brutally and not observing restraint or their rights.
it is wrong to lie about the use of live bullets while the evidence shows otherwise.
It is wrong to exaggerate the numbers of those killed, to rile up more emotions and chaos from your supporters.
It is wrong to celebrate the killings of people just because they are supporters of another party or another tribe.
It is wrong to state that all those supporters are innocent and picketing peacefully, when we have real people inside these areas telling us about the looting, threats to other tribes and being forced to go out and fight.
It is also wrong to say that they are all guilty and that no innocent people have been hurt, affected and killed in these operations.
It is wrong to lie that the whole country is in chaos when clearly not all regions that voted for the opposition are fighting.
It is wrong to carry out hate campaigns on social media, abuse each other and each other's mothers, threaten revenge on another tribe, even call upon God to deal with "them" when we refuse to take an honest look at "us".
It is the painful truth but IT IS ALL WRONG no matter who is doing it.

My heart aches because as the two elephants fight, it is indeed the "grass" getting hurt....AGAIN. As we abuse each other, unfriend and unfollow each other, promise to one day revenge against the other tribe, it is our nation that is hurting. Innocent children are dying because the adults have all gone partisan, gone overboard in blaming the other side rather than repenting, taking responsibility for our side and honestly seeking intervention, reconciliation, dialogue and a way forward from what has happened.

God have mercy on US ALL. God heal us and heal our land. We repent for all that we have done to ourselves and to our nation. We repent for what we have become. We repent for our hate and our dishonesty. We refuse to make excuses for our side while abusing, threatening and blaming the other side. We all want justice, we all want peace. Help us to move forward constructively from this. Not to run down our nation, but to be able to build again. To be able to forgive and to be able to have real peace, real justice and real acceptance for all Kenyans. Help us to be ambassadors of peace and grace not hate and death.

You desire truth in the inward part, forgive us for not being honest with ourselves, for laying blame and not taking responsibility and for hating each other. Remember mercy as you punish all the wrong that needs to be punished, O God. Let your justice prevail even against "our side" where we are wrong.

Help us Lord. By your mercy, let all the good prophecies and promises for Kenya come to pass. Help us not to sabotage our own blessings. Not to sabotage our nation. Help us not to take for granted what we already have. Help us to rise from this and to move forward in your blessing, grace and mercy. Heal our land o God.
In Jesus' Name we pray for our land and for ourselves.


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