Sunday, 5 January 2014

The end time deception - the "aliens" are coming.

Lately, my heart has been pondering a lot about the end times. As another year unravels, as world politics, popular culture and global finance takes shape, It's more and more clear to me that we are getting closer to the fulfillment of end time prophecy.

A major falling away is coming. A major deception. A one world religion. A one world currency. A massive confusion about gender and sexuality and a believable doctrine [probably with scientific proof and religious endorsements] about aliens and super humans. All in preparation for the anti Christ, the BEAST as the Bible calls him.

God warned about it. He said that the end times would be like the days of NOAH. Many have failed to notice that among other things, those were the days of the Nephilim [Genesis 6:2-4]. The giants born of human and demonic conception. This is the original basis of all the "alien" doctrines that are being pushed in earnest, even to our children today. It may seem strange and far fetched now but you will begin to hear more and more about this and even to see more "research" and "findings" making their way into main stream media. Science and religion will converge and agree about this and deceive many. This generation is being naturalized into this line thinking so that when the anti Christ is finally revealed, nothing will be unusual. It will all make perfect sense. Mark my words.

May prayer for you my friends, is that, no matter what happens, you will not get confused and deceived. I pray that you fortify your faith strongly with God's Word. That you will read and know the Bible. I pray that you will teach your children the Word of God. That you will pray for all your loved ones, present and future and decree God's protection on them. I pray that you will be able to discern truth even when popular world and spiritual leaders, that you love and respect begin to teach you falsehood.

Always remember that, when the enemy comes in, like a flood the Spirit of God will lift up a standard against him [Is 59:19]. For the true believer, there will never be a day when deception out maneuvers and out powers God's Truth, unless you let it. Even the end time deception will pass away, but the Word of God will NEVER pass away [Mt 24:35]. Hold on to the Word!

In Jesus Name, you will not be deceived.

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