Monday, 17 November 2014


Still on the Prophet Kanyari story: When something like this happens, there are often a number reactions:

Those who hate the church rejoice at yet another opportunity to shame it, mock it, laugh at it and justify their reasons for not attending.

The self righteous and religious [like the pharisees] take the opportunity to berate the person while highlighting the "righteousness" of their own person, church, organization or sect.

The immature believer gets tossed, discouraged and confused that a minister can do such evil and people can talk so badly about the church. He/she then begins to doubt their own faith and may even join in conversations mocking the very church and doctrine that they ascribe to.

Then there's the mature believer who knows that the Church has "died many deaths" through the ages but cannot be prevailed against. Whose greatest hurt is that the Name and doctrine of Christ is being mocked yet again. Who grieves for the many sincere believers who have been duped and hurt in the process and who might completely walk away from God because of this. Who prays for the perpetrators and asks God through His punishment and/or mercy to convict them and help them change. Why?

He knows that David [the man after God's own heart] stole someone's wife and rallied national resources to murder her husband. God punished him, convicted him, helped him to repent and to get restored. That Paul the apostle was a ruthless murderer saved by grace. That Manasseh; the most evil king in Israel, was worse than the nations that God had driven out. He was a baby sacrificing, idol worshiping, sexual perversion promoting [it went hand in hand with the pagan temples] king but God punished him and convicted him and he completely repented, changed and went on to make right the things that he had done wrong.

God's greatest interest is to help the "sick" get well and to rob hell of yet another possible occupant. This is ALWAYS the best scenario. Sometimes punishment is a great act of mercy. It's an intervention that brings the person back to their senses while they still have time to repent. Never write off people at times like this. Pray for them to repent. Pray also for those who are hurt. Pray for truth to prevail and pray for the church.

Your personal responsibility is to always choose maturity. To never rejoice at another persons calamity and to be so grounded in the Word that you are not tossed to and fro by events like this.

You are blessed. Have an awesome week.

Obadiah 1:12 But you should not have gazed on the day of your brother In the day of his captivity; Nor should you have rejoiced over the children of Judah In the day of their destruction; Nor should you have spoken proudly In the day of distress.

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