Sunday, 12 January 2014

Don't wait for Mr/Miss perfect

When I was praying for a husband, I wrote down a list of the qualities that I desired and asked God for that kind of man. #kot

You see God gives you the desires of your heart so if you don't know what you desire, your spouse can be right in front of you and you are just ngethiaring . May that not be you.

The one quality my husband did not have, however, was that he could not sing. My husband cannot even keep the key of a song. In church when we lead worship and say "lets take it higher!" he thinks we mean that people should sing louder. All my life, I was known for singing. Not for teaching, not for art, sometimes for acting but always for singing. All I knew was that I wanted to worship God all the days of my life so of course I wanted a man who could sing along with me. And then I end up with a man who can't hold the key of a song .

But when I review our marriage, I must confess, that in 15 years of marriage, we have never had such a bad fight and been in such a fix that we felt would have been resolved if only we could have burst out in a melodious duet together. I have never felt that he would have been a better father if only he could sing to my son a classical piece in the key of Eminor. I have never concluded that he would have been a better pastor if he could churn out an operatic aria with a resounding baritone. I found out that singing together wasn't as important to married life as I had supposed.

God knows what you need. Trust Him to help you major on the majors and to make an excellent choice. Remember singles, never, ever, ever, surrender your privilege of choice.

Ps 37:4 Delight yourself also in the LORD, And He shall give you the desires of your heart.


So looking forward to our first SINGLES FORUM for the year this coming Sunday. Details on my EVENTS tab. 


1 comment:

  1. "God knows what you need. Trust Him to help you major on the majors and to make an excellent choice. Remember singles, never, ever, ever, surrender your privilege of choice."

    I do not understand. Is God the one to choose a spouse or are we meant to choose for ourselves ?
